






Who are you?
I am Chris Lawrence.

Where are you from?
I am from Canberra, Australia.

How old are you?

What zodiac sign are you?
I am on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. According to American horosopes I am Aquarius, according to Australian ones I am Capricorn. I usually read both and pick the best bits of each.

What is your hair colour?

What is your eye colour?
Blue. Usually. They often shade towards green.

What is your height?
178cm (5'10").

What is you maritial status?
I am unmarried, but not single.

Can I have your phone number anyway?

Aw, c'mon! Please?

Aw man, at least give me your email address!
oh alright. It's thebear@innocent.com.

Where did you go to school?
I went to Macgregor Primary School, Ginninderra High School, Hawker College, the Australian National University and am currently at the University of Canberra.

What do you study?
I am currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Information Technology degree with an elective minor in Applied Statistics. I hope to possibly do a Master of Information Technology someday. I'm studying part-time so it's going to take me years yet to finish everything.

Where do you work?
In the past I have worked for Insight Technology asembling computers and at Covance Pty Ltd as a Statistical Project Assistant. I currently work at the Australian Mathematics Trust as the Computer Support Officer. This is whilst studying part-time.

What in the hell are you on?
Nothing, honestly. Occasionally alcohol. Often coffee. But those two don't really count.

What in the hell are you on about?
I don't know.

Can we have a quote from the great master?

................ and that quote would be?
Oh, you mean you want it now?.

Sorry. "Never trust a grinning, naked man. Especially if he's armed with a daffodil".

What the hell are you on about?
I told you. I don't know.

Goodbye nutter-man
May you slip while urinating and fall in the puddle, question-asking-boy.