






Welcome to my collection of images. Most of the images in here are of me, my mates and of meetings between me, my mates and net-mates. So, without further pissfarting around, my images..... Simply select an image from the drop-down list box and the desired image will appear in the image space below (yes, it does resize for larger images) with a description beside it (the descriptions will make more sense if you look at the pics in order) ... ah, the wonders of modern scripting ... if it doesn't work, you probably don't have scripting support. Try looking here.

Taken in Sydney when we went up for a Prodigy/Regurgitator concert one night and Homebake the next ... apparently, my arms are on backwards in this one.
Myself, Little Miss and J (L->R) when LM and Vix visit for about a week ... we'd found 2 for 1 drinks at this point, which explains much.
Post Homebake: one of those stupid photos you take for the sake of taking a stupid photo. It was hilariously funny at the time. It's Me, Matt Adcock and Justin Waddell (L->R)
Post Homebake: Taken solely so the flash went off almost in Matt's eye.
2 for 1 drinks time here, seeing how many people we can fit in one corner. ((vaguely)L->R, Back->Front)Leigh, Tony, Little Miss, Kathleen, Justin, Hamish, Warwick, Matt, Me, Vixen and Liz.
Here's a few of us pretending to be influential politicians. Leigh, Todd, Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja (who actually is an influential politician), Hamish and Me. We were visiting the Senator for scavenger hunt reasons.
Same as nsd1.jpg, just taken about 30 seconds later when the Senator wasn't ready. Ooops!
Post Homebake ... Immediately post Homebake. It rained and the whole festival turned into a mudfight. Fun though *grin*
Don't ask, just don't ask .... PLEEEEEAAAAAASE!
Todd and Myself (L->R) wearing tuxes before going to a party. Don't ask me why we're wearing tuxes, we just are.
Post Homebake: We had Nachos for lunch the day after homebake. it left a hell of a mess but damn were they fine.
Post Homebake: another of those wierd photos for wierd photos sake. Isn't Vix a curteous host?
Post Homebake: dunno why this one ... it just is.
Post Homebake: see above.
Taken at my 21st birthday. This was actually taken after the next pic.
Taken just before the previous pic. Trish had just said something rude about Cathy, so I stuck my tongue out (typical mature 21yo adult response) when the photo was taken.
This is my little kitten, called Tchai. She's a real contortionist when it comes to lounging around the place.
I'm not 100% sure myself here. A photo Todd showed me that was apparently taken prior to a volleyball game.