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About this site: This is the home of the Bundaberg Bear (me, in case you hadn't worked it out yourself). It's my little creative outlet for anything I feel like doing. As a result, it's full of useless inanities that aren't really of much interest to anybody. I'm proud of the layout of the site, and everytime I get bored I modify it in some way, shape or form. So if this site does interest you, check back often to see what I've been doing to it.

Links to what I've got are beside you in the menu bar. Click and what you're reading now will be replaced with what you selected.

History of this site: I first started this thing back in 1996 in my first year of university (college for you Americans). My HTML skills were very rudimentary and I had no graphics editing package or any such so it was a very rough production to say the least. It's been hosted on a couple of free servers (first Geocities and now Tripod) but I haven't managed to get in into anywhere away from those darn pop-up ad windows. One day I'll escape them and all they represent. Who knows, I may have my own domain registered soon. It's just a question of money.

Future Plans for this site: As I've already mentioned, I plan to get my own domain registered for this site and eventually I plan to use this site for more than just screwing around (*gasp shock horror* I hear you say). I intend to use it to promote myself, my skills and my programming in the eternal search for a better paying job (current employers can ignore that bit, unless it makes you want to give me a pay rise).

So, enjoy what's already here and wish me luck for the future.

So, 'til we meet again,

Chris Lawrence